CBA Saskatchewan Governance


The activities of CBA Saskatchewan are governed by the ByLaws of the Association.  The Board of Directors and the Executive Director are responsible for the regular activities and administration of the Branch.

The incoming Treasurer is elected each year and progresses annually to the position of Vice-President, President and finally Past President. 

Our structure includes a Branch Council that meets once a year to perform its duties and make policy decisions. The Saskatchewan Branch also has several Standing Committees covering a range of areas such as advocacy and legislative review.  Special committees and task forces are also appointed as needed.

Sections are organized to study particular areas of law and pertinent issues of the day. All Sections are administered by a Section Executive Committee.

Branch Treasurer
​Any member of the Association in good standing and resident in Saskatchewwan that has been a member of a law society or its equivalent in any province or territory of Canada for a period of ten (10) years or more, and who is a member of Council, or who has been a member of Council at any time during the preceeding four (4) years, may file with the Branch Office a Nomination Form on or before March 17 provided the nomination is accompanied by the consent of such member in writing and the written endorsement of three (3) members of Council.

Branch Treasurer Nomination Form


Elected Members of Branch Council
Any member of the CBA in good standing and a resident in Saskatchewan may file an Indication of Interest Form to be considered for Branch Council. The Indication of Interest Council Submission Form must be submitted on or before March 15. If there is more interest than there are positions, an election will take place. All Elected Members of Council serve a two (2) year term and a candidate must reside in the electoral district for which she or he is nominated.  To view the Electoral Districts Map→Click Here

Council Indication of Interest Form

CBA-SK Commitees
Get involved and make an impact! CBA Saskatchewan is seeking volunteers to serve on various committees. This is a great opportunity to take on a leadership role, contribute to the development of programs and initiatives, and support the legal community. Click on the link below to see a list of Committees and to submit your interest.

Commitee Interest Form