BarNotes is the official publication of the CBA Saskatchewan Branch and since 1986 is a leading resource for Saskatchewan lawyers, covering the important news, trends, legislation and decisions of the moment, and providing a voice for influential legal analysis from our talented contributors. Contributors include lawyers, students, legal academics, judges, and others in the legal community. If you are interested in submitting an article, please contact

50th Anniversary of the Law Reform Commission of Saskatchewan

  • November 19, 2024
  • Fatima Ahmed, Brooke Cross-Worobec, Kathleen Stoneham, & Leah Howie

Over the last 50 years, 34 members of Saskatchewan’s legal profession – including practitioners, academics, judges, and civil servants – have served as commissioners in undertaking independent and consultation-based law reform.

Implications of the Accessible Saskatchewan Act

  • October 01, 2024
  • Shane Buchanan

As part of a recent nation-wide movement towards accessibility legislation, the Accessible Saskatchewan Act intends to improve accessibility by preventing and removing barriers that people with disabilities face.

Navigating the Evolution of Assisted Dying

  • September 19, 2024
  • Dr. Janine Brown

The legal and healthcare communities must keep abreast of end-of-life law and healthcare changes to provide individuals and families with accurate information to support individual autonomy at the end-of-life.

No Place Like Home

  • May 28, 2024
  • Dr. Beth Bilson, K.C., PhD

Tent encampments in the park. Recipients of social assistance living in substandard accommodation. Indigenous communities dealing with inadequate and overcrowded housing. Would-be renters, including thousands of students, unable to access affordable rental options. Young people unable to imagine home ownership in their future.